Photo: Dorothea Tuch

News from Beyond

News From Beyond dares you to switch off your device and tune into the spacious apparitions that live “in the beyond.” A sparse landscape of invisible spirits offers news and sonic evidence of truths that seem to have disappeared from …


Photo: Garrett Davis/Capture Imaging

Hello. We are Gob Squad, a group of UK and German artists. We make performances and videos which search for beauty in the everyday, and look for words of wisdom from a passing stranger. We are an artists collective, the seven core members working collaboratively on the concept, direction and performance of our work. Other artists, performers and technicians are invited to collaborate on particular projects.

More about us

Stop the cuts!



NEWS in Frankfurt April 25

News from Beyond
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

24/04/2025 - 25/04/2025


SinalbpoavbC in Copenhagen May 25

This is not a line but part of a very big circle
Copenhagen, Denmark

26/05/2025 - 30/05/2025

Parklife - Public Performance

IAH? in Utrecht Mai 25

Is Anybody Home?
Utrecht, The Netherlands


SPRING Performing Arts Festival

Turn in Vienna Sept 25 UA

Vienna, Austria


world premiere

Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz